Monday, April 9, 2012

God, You Want Me to Do WHAT?!

Recently, through a dear, beautiful, godly friend with tears in her eyes, God tells me, "I want you to quit this search for significance, this chasing of your worth through the acceptance of man, and instead, trust me and go home. I want you to be present in your home, PHYSICALLY present. You are to be Mom and Wife, first and foremost. I want you to serve your family. That is my path for you at this moment in time."

My incredulous reaction . . .

God, You want me to do what?! Are You serious?! But I've already tried the at-home-mom thing and I SUCK at it! I mean, really, I so wanted to be a stay-at-homer, but I'm not the super cool fun s-a-h mom like, say, my friend Michele. Now SHE is that kind of mom! Michele always had really neat activities for her girls - crafts & art projects. Me? I couldn't get my boys to do an art project to save my life. Heck, I couldn't even get them to sit still long enough to do any structured activity. No, God, I don't see how this will work. I'd like to pass and take what's behind Door Number Two instead. I'm pretty sure I heard God sigh. He seems to sigh a lot when we're together.

And He said, "Trust Me."

Really, God, I want to trust You. But, I just don't see how this thing is going to work.

He whispered, "Trust Me. Not yourself. Not your own abilities. And not your idea of what it means to be a wife and mother. You've based your expectations of how you are to fulfill these roles on what others have done, on what your church background has painted, not on what I have revealed to you. And let's not forget, that the last time you "tried", you didn't lean on Me. This time, LEAN ON ME AND I WILL GET YOU THERE. Take My hand; it will be like a rafting adventure . . . give up the control & I will give you the ride of your life."

How can I refuse this invitation? So, I'm searching, I'm leaning, I'm falling, and I'm getting back up - He's extended His hands and lifted me up.

He's giving me resources along this journey. Precious godly women (Paula, Laura, Evalene, Donna, Elizabeth, just to name a few). The Word and books galore. I've renewed my love of reading, a pastime that had all but died some 18 years ago when I started law school. Except, of course, for the reading of case law and statutes, "useful" reading to help me win my cases. Now I've discovered the devotional masters. God speaks to me through their words.

This leaning, this trusting, can best summed up by one of my fave authors, Oswald Chambers -

"Loyalty to Jesus means I have to step out where I do not see anything (cf. Matt. 14:29); loyalty to my notions mean that I clear the ground first by my intelligence. Faith is not intelligent understanding, faith is deliberate commitment to a Person where I see no way."

God help me.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on choosing His path. It will be much more rewarding than any other.
